Acceleration Creative and Performing Arts (Music, Drama and Visual Arts)
Acceleration Creative and Performing Arts students begin studying Stage 5 and Stage 6 courses while still in Stage 4 and Stage 5.
These students are outstanding or exceptional students who attain the Board’s curriculum outcomes in less time than other students.
Students are accepted in the Acceleration Program on the basis of their written application, academic performance, audition, behaviour, interview and their involvement in extra-curricular and/or out-of-school interests and abilities
Acceleration Mathematics
Outstanding performing students are identified in Year 9 and the curriculum is compacted to complete the Mathematics course in an accelerated model. Students complete the HSC Mathematics course whilst in Year 11.
Extension classes
The Year 9 and 10 students study the core curriculum in the relevant subjects in common with their year cohort; however, their curriculum is compacted and qualitatively differentiated to allow more time for enrichment, extension, problem solving and critical thinking skills. Extension involves the provision of more advanced work within the existing subject frameworks.
We deliver all HSC extension courses:
- English Extension I & II
- Mathematics Extension I & II
- Extension History
- Extension Music
Lambton Learning Ladder Program
The Year 7 and 8 Lambton Learning Ladder Program fosters enrichment, mentoring, creativity and opportunities for students to work outside the curriculum. The Program:
- provides opportunities to apply interests, knowledge and commitment to a self-selected area of study
- develops an authentic product directed towards bringing about a desired impact on a specific audience
- develops self-directed learning skills in the area of planning, organisation, resource utilisation, time management, decision making and self-evaluation.
For more information, visit the Lambton Learning Ladder Program section of the school website.
Bridging Program
The Year 10 Bridging Program fosters an academic preparation program which provides taster lessons for students in Year 10 embarking on their senior schooling.
HSC Aim High Program
System data shows a need for a program to improve value added for academic students which fosters student extension, experiences and raises expectations. At Lambton High School the Aim High Program:
- provides additional support to students to extend them beyond their requirements.
- develops high expectations for all stakeholders.
- ensures students develop skills to enable them to achieve HSC marks in the 90+ range.
For more information, download the gifted and talented framework (PDF 430.3KB).