We believe a school uniform fosters a cooperative school community where personal presentation, safety and membership are important priorities.
At Lambton High School, we support a corporate uniform approach which allows students to wear any combination of our uniform as they desire throughout the year, however, we do have a formal uniform which must be worn to all presentation assemblies or when representing the school at a function.
The formal uniform is:
- Senior Boys - white button through shirt, school shorts, white socks and black leather shoes.
- Senior Girls - white button through blouse, school skirt, slacks, white socks and black leather shoes.
- Junior Boys - blue button through shirt, school shorts, white socks and black leather shoes.
- Junior Girls - blue button through blouse, school skirt, slacks, white socks and black leather shoes.
Students should wear:
- shoes which are plain black or white (black preferred). Please note black shoes with white markings or rim around the sole are not uniform. Bright colours such as red, yellow, green etc are NOT acceptable.
- black leather shoes with their formal school uniform.
- Volleys, canvas slip-on shoes, “ballet style”, or open style shoes are not permitted. Regardless of whether they are black, these shoes are NOT permitted to be worn at Lambton High School, as the shoes must have a stout protective upper to meet WH&S requirements.
- Students are not to wear excessive jewellery
- Hooded jackets are not permitted to be worn
Uniform purchases
Online purchases can be made through the web store. Payment is via PayPal. Please bring your PayPal receipt for collection at the uniform shop. If incorrect sizes have been ordered online, changes can be made at pickup. Home delivery is currently not available. We have a uniform shop available.
Current Price List
School Holiday Bookings
Bookings for the school holidays can be made via the uniform website.
Uniform Shop hours
Monday - 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Tuesday - 8.00am to 11.00am
Thursday - 8.00am to 11.00am
Our school uniform is supplied by Daylight
Phone: 02 4648 1066
Address: 6-8 Lone Pine Place, Smeaton Grange NSW 2567
Email: daylight@daylightcorp.com